2005 “THE SHAMELESS KISS”; git, voc; www.myspace.com/theshamelesskiss
2006 – 2007 “THE TOP OF THE PINK STAR / WILD BORE HUNTING STYLE” I & II, acting, directing, editing: @ cum2cut competition, 2nd award in 2006 and 2007 respectively
2007 EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHY @ le petit mignon/staalplaat, berlin
2007 “IF I SHOULD TURN MY BACK YOU MAY DISSAPPEAR”, dir: doireann o’malley / caroline mccarthy (korridor) (ireland/germany), acting; www.myspace.com/korridor
2008 “THE MIRROR” (after magnus hirschfeld), acting, by doireann o’malley / caroline mccarthy (korridor) (ireland/germany); www.myspace.com/korridor
2008-2009 “MARY AND THE BABY CHEESES”, dr, (by the name of Athena Nej), https://www.discogs.com/release/2999359-Mary-And-The-Baby-Cheeses-Mary-And-The-Baby-Cheeses
2009 “DDR-B”, dr, git, key, etc. http://www.jamendo.com/de/album/35584; http://www.jamendo.com/de/album/37246
2009 Art exhibition: “KÜNSTLER_INNENBRUNCH” @ zielona gora, berlin
2009 “FLYTSWEI” Animation, film festival @ XB-liebig, berlin
2010 “MY HAPPY MENSTRUATION” by felicia bergstrom, acting; http://www.feliciabergstrom.se
2010 Exhibition “ES MUSS DOCH EINE ENDE HABEN!” @ vétomat, berlin
2010 & 2011 Exhibition “UnArtig FESTIVAL” @ xb-liebig, berlin
2011-2014 “INGRID UND NACHTS KEIN SEKRET”, dr, http://iunks.bandcamp.com/album/18-20-nutria
2012 “MOONCUPS & FEELINGS” by DIE FLIEGEN, both with and without INGRID UND NACHTS KEIN SEKRET, acting
2012 “T. G.’s RELEASE”, Soundtrack vimeo.com/71430731
2012 Exhibition “DIE FLIEGEN, ABSCHLUSSAUSTELLUNG” @ Galiläakirche, Berlin Friedrichshain
2012 Online Photo Project “FROM TIMISOARA TO ISTANBUL TO BERLIN”, photos, http://t-to-i-to-b.tumblr.com/
2013 Exhibition “KÜNSTLER_INNENBRUNCH” @ zielona gora, berlin
2015-2020 “SCHADENSERSATZ IN FORM VON GERÜMPEL”, dr, voc, git https://szadensersatz.tumblr.com
2015-2017 “DER SCHRECKLICHE BESUCH”, dr http://besuchschrecklicheder.bandcamp.com
2015 – “THE SUNDAY MATINEE”, Organizing, curating, sound engineering http://xbsundaymatinee.tumblr.com
2017- “JETZT WERD ICH DUMM!”, dr, git, http://jetztwerdichdumm.bandcamp.com
2017- Solo “NOTORISCHE RUHESTOERUNG”, http://vimeo.com/274833715, http://soundcloud.com/nruhestoerung, http://notorischeruhestoerung.bandcamp.com
2017- Performing historical dada poem “FLAVIU TILINCA & NOTORISCHE RUHESTOERUNG VS. KURT SCHWITTERS – DIE URSONATE”, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4Hfii86byo
2017 “GADUMA GROUP EXIHIBITION”, in solidarity with refugees in Berlin
2018 “THE POWDER OF DEFINITION” by Meli Oil Productions, acting, ft. Ann Antidote
2018 “AT DAGGERS DRAWN” Acting, directing, editing with Ann Antidote, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51eLzaGKVx4
2018-2019 “NIGHTMARE COLLECTIVE”, Short films, sound installation, ft. Ann Antidote, Moko Loko, Elisa Rost, Rike Zinnober, Steffi Käoz, Suja Hacksteak & Notorische Ruhestörung
2021 “MENSPLAINING”, acting, directing, editing with Ann Antidote, http://vimeo.com/684603161
2022-2023 “THE RADIANT PATH” (Composition for video & performance by Aurora del Rio, using a scale created by the formula for the decay of radium and the structure and optionally lyrics of local Dainas, traditional songs), http://www.auroradelrio.com/the-radiant-path
2023- Organizing, curating, sound engineering etc: “PRIMITIVO” – Experimental Session
2023- “LUN ARIO & NOTORISCHE RUHESTOERUNG” – improvisation, dr, https://notorischeruhestoerung.bandcamp.com/album/lun-ario-notorische-ruhestoerung-i