Heute, 19:30 Francesco Zedde, Notorische Ruhestörung & Nour Sokhon @ DienstBar, Galiläakirche, Rigaer Str. 9-10, www.dienstbar.net
Author: ruhestoerung
Sun, Nov 20th, 4pm – Sunday Matinee #59
Welcome to the 59th edition of the Sunday Matinee c/o Villa Kuriosum!
in no particular order:
Jetzt werd ich dumm (Hardcore-Softrock)
Jo (puzzled crooked tone songs from field recordings)
Wynd (Psychedelic stoner raw n’heavy)
—>>> and, introducing for the third time, SOME DJ!
>>> delicious vegan food will be provided by “Eat The Rich”!
**2G rules no longer apply to Berlin, but we would be very glad if you test yourself before coming and if you do not show up if you have cold-like symptoms! thank you****
Our event is as always smoke free, children friendly, wheelchair accessible
**Please no dogs, only cats allowed!
Thanks and see you on Sunday!
To sign up for the newsletter and more info, please visit:
Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße 2110367 Berlin
4.11.22, 20h: Gleiche Brust für alle Soliparty @ Køpikino Peliculoso
4.11.22, 20h: Gleiche Brust für alle Soliparty im Køpikino Peliculoso, Köpenicker Str. 137 w/
Esels Alptraum,
Heart Chor Love,
Booty Killeuses,
Razor Cunts,
DJane Tofts,
DJane Koshka,
DJane Pragmate
& Solidrinks!
Sat, Oct 29th – Bike Workshop End of the Year Party
Køpi Bike Workshop Winter Break Party w/ Freak Bike Parcours, Live Music, Drinks & Fire Barrel.
Come play with our toys!
Sat, Oct 29th, 3pm
Sun Oct 9th, 4pm – Matinee #58
The Matinee #58! 09.10.22 in Villa Kuriosum
Sunday 09 October at 4PM – Matinee N*58
Welcome to the 58th edition of the Sunday Matinee at Villa Kuriosum! This time inside…it’s fall after all!
in no particular order:
Actual Figures
Texan-danish duo consisting of Brandon Davis and Marie Mark Andersen…SICK DISCO!
Gregor Dys
Gregor Dys is a sound researcher who explores soundscapes for (natural) processes, ideas and emotions.
Parkstraßenmusik bei Sonnenuntergang mit Gitarre, Ukulele und Klimbim. Schmachtfetzen und Tralala.
—>>> and, introducing for the first time, DJ Bad Spencer!
__>>> delicious vegan food will be provided by “Eat The Rich”!
**2G rules no longer apply to Berlin, but we would be very glad if you test yourself before coming and if you do not show up if you have cold-like symptoms! thank you**
**Our event is as always smoke free, children friendly, wheelchair accessible**
Please NO DOGS, Villa is cats’ kingdom and we can not let the canine in, sorry!
Thanks and see you on Sunday!
To sign up for the newsletter and more info, please visit:
We will have the tapes of our fantastic compilation of you haven’t get around to get your copy yet –>> https://thesundaymatinee.bandcamp.com/album/the-sunday-matinee-sampler-1
Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße 2110367 Berlin
Oct 1st – Notorische Ruhestörung live @ Attenuation Augsburg
attenuation circuit präsentiert:
Notorische Ruhestörung [noise – Berlin]
EMERGE [musique abstraite – AUgsburg]
Samstag, 01.10.22
Projektraum Rechts-der-Wertach
Wolfgangstraße 2/ Wertachstraße
86153 Augsburg
Einlass 20:00
Beginn 20:30 (pünktlich!)
Eintritt: Euro 10 empfohlene Spende für die Künstler:innen
*** Die Veranstaltung wird unter 3G durchgeführt.
EINLASS NUR MIT IMPF- oder GENESUNGS-NACHWEIS oder TEST (Schnelltest max 24h alt / PCR-Test max 48h alt) !
Notorische Ruhestörung on Bandcamp
Voilà – Album out, Cds & Download codes on analog photographs available!
Mon, Sep 19th, 7pm – Notorische Ruhestörung @ Kuze Potsdam
Sun, Aug 21st – Matinee #57 @ Villa Kuriosum
Welcome to the 57th edition of the Sunday Matinee at Villa Kuriosum!
From 4PM music!
In no particular order:
Punk trio, Berlin. https://zwist.bandcamp.com/
Las Migrañas
Psych-electro experimental cumbia, Berlin/Argentina/Colombia.
Hex Organ
Experimental/electronic, Berlin.
—>>> Some DJ will be playing generic music before, after and in between acts. Fun. Deffo.
Los Nopales Vegan Taqueria will be cooking up vegan Paella!!! YUM!
**2G rules no longer apply to Berlin, but we would be very glad if you test before coming and if you have cold-like symptoms, please stay home. Thanks**
**Our events are smoke free, children friendly, wheelchair accessible**
**Please, no dogs: Dogs are not allowed into the premises**
Thank you and see you on Sunday!
To sign up for the newsletter and more info, please visit: https://xbsundaymatinee.tumblr.com/
Last but not least, don’t forget to check out our double-cassette compilation we put out not long ago!
That’s a celebration of 5 years of the Sunday Matinee with over 40 bands and solo artists that played at our events:
Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße 2110367 Berlin
Matinee #56 – July 24th, 4pm, Villa Kuriosum
Sunday 24 July at 4PM – Matinee N*55
Welcome to the 56nd edition of the Sunday Matinee c/o Villa Kuriosum! This time maybe in the garden, if weather and Ordunungsamt allow us 🙂
in no particular order:
The Post Spiderhole Ensemble
Very first show! A solo becomes a trio! Psych and noise rock! Explosions!
Dusty Houseplants
Indie-pop quartet, intimate songwriting from Berlin
Jeff Surak
Amplified rot and romantic decay using walkmen
—>>> a SURPRISE Dj!!!
And our big shot: Los Nopales Vegan Tacos! YUM!
**2G rules no longer apply to Berlin, but we would be very glad if you test yourself before coming and if you do not show up if you have cold-like symptoms! thank you**
**Our event is as always smoke free, children friendly, wheelchair accessible**
Please NO DOGS, Villa is cats’ kingdom and we can not let the canine in, sorry!
Thanks and see you on Sunday!
To sign up for the newsletter and more info, please visit:
We will have the tapes of our fantastic compilation of you haven’t get around to get your copy yet –>> https://thesundaymatinee.bandcamp.com/album/the-sunday-matinee-sampler-1
Villa Kuriosum Scheffelstraße 2110367 Berlin