Fri Feb 09 2024
20:00 at kino
The first slot is reserved for artists who are FLINTA* (woman, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender).
Notorische Ruhestoerung
25 minutes
Notorische Ruhestörung is an artist, organizer and activist mainly focusing on sound and music, but also active in other fields such as video, performance, zines and painting, DIY noisy electronics and improvisation. As a long-term member of the Berlin DIY, collective- & self-organized scene, Notorische Ruhestoerung is always interested in social struggles and real life experiences on how to be a more genuine and upright person.
Ernesto Cárcamo Cavazos
25 minutes
“Temporal Counterpoint No. 1” is the first of several pieces exploring temporal dynamics as they apply to composition and improvisation by composer/performer Ernesto Cárcamo Cavazos. Working with electric guitar and synthesizer, the two instruments play through tempo changes relative but synchronised to each other, working within rhythmic realms, while also expanding its possibilities outside of rhythm to control timbre, dynamics, spectral content and musical expression.
25 minutes
Sascha Bauss (trumpet, voice), Aziz Lewandowski (cello, voice)
25 minutes
Malwina Kołodziejczyk – tenor saxophone / Alexander Markvart – acoustic feedback guitar, objects
Documentation: to be confirmed