Jan 17th – Notorische Ruhestoerung surprise show @ Ponti house, Jakarta
Jan 18th – Notorische Ruhestoerung @ Continuum, Cirebon
Jan 22nd – Notorische Ruhestoerung @ Majelis, Semerang
We invite you to participate in the ninth session of Majelis that will be
held at:
Date : Wednesday, 22 January 2020
Time : 15:00 WIB
Venue : Gedung B7,FBS Unnes, Semarang
Majelis is an improvisation session held periodically to facilitate spontaneous meeting between musicians from different background that have never played together before. These sessions aim to explore improvisation as a response towards sounds found in our everyday life. Inspired by Kombo (Yogyakarta), Majelis sees improvisation as an element that can be found in all kinds of music and other art forms.
In each session, three to five participant will be divided randomly into smaller groups. Artists who comes from non-musical background like literature, performance art, dance, and visual arts can also participate in these sessions. Majelis are not limited to artists from Semarang, performers from other cities or countries can also participate. The documentation of each sessions (photos, audio recording, video recording) will be archived and can be freely accessed from online streaming channels.